Code composer studio download
Code composer studio download

To ensure that changes to the code will be reflected in the downloaded program, modify line 76 within main.c from: This should cause LED1 on the development board to blink at a steady rate. To run the code, click the Resume toolbar button. You may switch between Perspectives via the buttons on the right of the top toolbar: You will note that the panes of the program have been modified and rearranged and that the top toolbar has had many buttons added. The Debug Perspective is simply a layout of CCS that is designed for the debugging process. Once the program has been loaded onto the microcontoller, CCS will be in the Debug Perspective showing that the program is paused on the microcontroller, with the paused location shown in the corresponding code file: The first time this is done for the development board will likely trigger a request for programmer firmware update. Initiating the debug interface will cause the project to be compiled (turned into a program) and loaded onto the microcontroller. Some methods are:īy clicking the button on the top toolbar that resembles a green beetle:

code composer studio download

Launching the debug interface for the active project (bold project in Project Explorer) may be done many ways. In this class, we will always do this through the Debug interface. With the board connected, the project can be compiled and run. If the steps below do not work properly with a different cable, ensure that the cable used is not strictly a power cable. It is suggested that you use the micro-USB cable provided with the development board to connect to the computer however, all other micro-USB data cables will work just fine.

Code composer studio download